Methodology and Biostatistics
The Unit offers methodological consulting and statistical support for IMIBIC’s researchers and for the healthcare professionals belonging to the Andalusian Public Health System in the Province of Córdoba, ensuring high quality responds to the researchers’ needs and offering robust statistical results on research projects.
The Unit’s main objectives are to:
- Provide methodological support for researchers including assistance in writing grant applications, designing studies, data management and data analysis.
- Provide support for researchers in descriptive and advanced statistical analysis.
- Provide support during the writing and revision of scientific papers as one of the co-authors of the scientific publication.
- Organise training, seminars and advanced courses for researchers on statistical methodologies and statistical software.
The services offered by the Unit of Methodology and Biostatistics include:
- Revision of the research methodology and protocols: presentation of hypotheses, formulation of objectives, selection of epidemiological design definition of variables, selection of statistical analysis etc
- Guidance for literature search concerning statistical techniques and methodologies
- Sample size calculation
- Validation of questionnaires and other measuring instruments
- Exploratory and descriptive analysis of data
- Inferential analysis (univariate and multivariate)
- Evaluation of diagnostic tests: sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, ROC curves
- Survival analysis
- Longitudinal data analysis
- Omics data and high dimensional data analysis
- Other statistical techniques (Bayesian analysis, meta-analysis, etc.)
- Interpretation of results
- Guidance in presenting and disseminating research results
- Revision of scientific publications in terms of quality criteria set by the journal and depending on the type of study